If you have credit card debt or plan to make a big purchase, a low-interest credit card can be a lifesaver. Many credit card companies or even your existing credit card company offer more than a year of 0% APR to pay down your debts or a low ongoing interest rate for a longer-term debt reduction strategy. Keep in mind there is a balance transfer fee which is usually either $5 or 3% of the amount of each transfer, whichever is greater.
If you have credit card debt or plan to make a big purchase, a low-interest credit card can be a lifesaver. Many credit card companies or even your existing credit card company offer more than a year of 0% APR to pay down your debts or a low ongoing interest rate for a longer-term debt reduction strategy. Keep in mind there is a balance transfer fee which is usually either $5 or 3% of the amount of each transfer, whichever is greater.